shutterstock 1943436We establish long-term relationships with our clients and enrich our support services with further objectives: 

Supplier / Outsourcing Assessment
We make the assessment of the suppliers of local and international organisations with a view to quality, environment, OHSAS, project and process management systems. We provide support in developing the relations and integration of processes of our clients and their suppliers for effectiveness and efficiency. 

Continuous Improvement
We provide training and specialised input to improve the effectiveness of the continuous improvement projects of our clients. The support we deliver is to improve the qualifications of the key staff and to eleviate operational blindness. 

System Updates and Growth
For growing organisations, management systems should be adapted to changes. Lack of a proper adaptation may result in lack of control over the processes in the medium and long run.  Our experts interphere as this risk is foreseen, or when there are some evidence of lack of control appears.  

With some clients we develop our relation to the point, where we undertake maintenance and continuous improvement of their systems. Our specialised experts are assigned for this task and they participate in the organisation as if they are a part of it. In this case, organisations focus on their core business and eliminate the risk of size-system mis-match by leaving it to the hands, who do not have operational blindness, though they are a part of the organisation.