The location tracking module ML 231 is a modern solution combining location functions and integrating different inputs/outputs of the IoT module in one device. To determine the geographic position, a GPS satellite signal is used and data are sent via GPRS to the monitoring station.  

ML series is fully compliant with the automotive industry standards. It goes one step forward compared to vehicle tracking allowing monitoring of what the vehicle contains. 

Common features:

GSM/GPRS/EDGE data delivery, SMS sending

Remote or wired configuration

Data logger with a capacity of 15.000 records

Data-sending function based on distance or time 

5 x digital input:
  Ignition input
  Alarm knob input
  2 x digital input  (can be used as a counter)
  1 x “floating” digital input

2 x digital output

  Digital output 

1 x fuel tank analog input – alarm for fuel loss  

Power supply entry

Spare power supply entry  – power supply status data

2 x i-Button (Dallas) input (driver introduction and temperature measurement)

Voice input and output (microphone and loudspeaker output)

[ML-211 Datasheet][ Application Example